Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Tudors was a hit last season, I have a feeling it's going to be a bigger hit this season.
Who knew there was so much drama in the 1500's.
Tremendous acting from Jonathan Rhys Meyers who plays King Henry VIII.
He portrays King Henry VIII with such great dedication, anyone could believe he really was King Henry.
Anne Boleyn played by Natalie Dormer, is a very exquisite actress and she's able to play a mysterious women. When she's portraying Anne Boleyn she has some what of a sweet and loving demeanor for the King, but your still able to see the power hunger in her eyes. Which makes her a mystery. Does she really have feeling for the King?
The whole cast is quite incredible, and very believable.
And one of my already favorite actors Jeremy Northam who plays Sir Thomas More. He's known for his roles in The Net, and Enigma, he's a very accomplished actor who is doing a wonderful job portraying Sir. Thomas More and I wouldn't expect anything less of him.
Another favorite of mine is James Frain who's also known for his roles in Where the Heart Is and Elizabeth, he's perfect for the role of Thomas Cromwell, to think of it I couldn't see anyone else playing Thomas Cromwell.
Maria Doyle Kennedy who plays Queen Katherine of Aragon, does a splendid job, she's great for the role of Queen Katherine. She's able to make the character her own. She's known for her role in Commitment.
Henry Cavill who plays Charles Brandon is a talented actor no doubt and is on his way to big things, and there's a plus, he's good looking.

We learned allot last season, what will we learn this season?
Find out Season 2 premiers Sunday, March 30th @ 9PM ON SHOWTIME

Love, Critically Sassy

Friday, March 21, 2008

Heidi Montags Music Video

Heidi Montag has an amazing voice and her music video speaks for itself!
May I just say if I ever needed a music video done, I'd call up Heidi and her insane looking boyfriend Spencer to direct/choreograph it for me. I wonder why he looks so insane...
Oh wait, I would too if I had to listen to her voice all the time! He's just cringing from the sound of her (HIGHER) vocals. Anyway more on her choreography I love the hand motions she made, it was like she was a new born baby spreading her LARGE fingers out, reaching for something...who knows what? Maybe her VOICE (that isn't there) that explains the brain dead look on her face. It was amazing how she captured the new born baby and the brain dead at the same time, that's pure talent!

I think she needs to give up on this dream of hers it's to bad we have to live through her dream, cause really it's a nightmare for us. Frankly she should go back to the (script) Hills. And as for Spencer go be weird and insane looking somewhere else. And GIVE IT UP! Your little puppet Heidi is no way a future Madonna, she's more like a future Anna Nicole or a girl version of William Hung.

Love, Critically Sassy

Go ahead and see for yourself...